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About Me

Everyone has a story and mine starts in the small town in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe called, Mutare.


I was born here, to parents who are Zimbabwean born too, but which was called Rhodesia back then.  If there was a childhood I would recommend, where the sand is between your toes, trees are your climbing frame and the fresh air always in your lungs, it would be mine. It wasn’t prefect at all but I was lucky enough to have the wilderness as my playground.  TV games, TV, the indoors all were not my thing. There were too many streams to paddle in, trees to climb, forts to build, animals to save and survival games to play then be cooped up.


Due to the political unrest in Zimbabwe in 2003, I moved to UK before my 18th birthday, leaving my family behind. There was a fight for land and times became very tough, with limited food and fuel and a constant queue for basic commodities. This, I did not mind however, I was young, I wanted to travel and explore the world and learn about new cultures. I yearned for freedom, so I decided to leave to pursue my dreams.


A dream I had from being a young girl has always been to work in the wilderness. Dreams have always changed and some have been delayed however, the end goal has remained the same. In 2018, I graduated in Wildlife and Practical Conservation BSc with a First Class Honours degree.  During this time, I gained an award from Oxford University Press for my achievements and dedication.  


I have since graduated from my Master's by Research degree in 2020 and now work as an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) and an Ecologist. 


Finding a rubber frog whilst on an amphibian expedition in Mozambique.



  • Foraging - learning about the wilderness and all the edibles at our fingertips;

  • Art - Fine art but I like to dabble in a bit of mandala drawing and watercolour painting;

  • Scuba diving - I was a Master diver but time has now lapsed however, I love it;

  • Camping, in particular wild camping;

  • Travelling - avoiding the usual places and finding hidden gems;

  • Mountain biking and touring

  • Culture and theatre; and 

  • Researching my greatest interest - Illegal Wildlife Trade.


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