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My Research



It's early into my career.  I have nothing published yet but I am working on it.  We all have to start somewhere. 




In 2020 I completed my Masters at The University of Salford is with Dr. Robert Jehle as my supervisor, working in conjunction with Simon Loader and Gabriela Bittencourt-Silva from the Natural History Museum London:  


Elucidating cryptic diversity in East African frogs: the case of Arthroleptis francei Loveridge, 1953.


The data was collected from various expeditions to Eastern Africa and one that I went on in December 2018. 





Frogging in Mozambique.jpg
My Undergrad Research

Changes in the behaviours of Gammarus pulex resulting from two stressors: an endoparasite, Pomphorhynchus laevis and the ecotoxicity of water (Undergraduate Dissertation)

Previous Research

In 2018 I was one of 20 lucky people selected out of over 250 people to attended a month long tropical field course in Danum Valley, Borneo.  Here, we had to form a group in the final weeks and create and execute a small research project.  

I was with a Swede, 
Anna Jonsson Sundberg, University of Edinburgh (UK) and Jennifer Insupp, University of Vienna, Austria. 


Our research topic was: 

Home range and microhabitat preferences of Limnonectes kuhlii. (Page 23)

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